
Middle Class



The Dignity of Work Institute is dedicated to the people who make this country work, and to creating an economy and a society where Americans’ work is valued.

The Dignity of Work is the idea that hard work should pay off for everyone, no matter who you are, where you live, or what kind of work you do. When work has dignity, people have power over their lives and their schedules, and can afford to raise a family. They can take time off to care for themselves and their families, and can count on a good education, the secure retirement they’ve earned, and job opportunities for their children, without taking on massive debt. When work has dignity, everyone can afford a decent life, and our country has a strong and growing middle class.

For too many Americans, this isn’t the reality. Working people built this country and are working harder than ever, but have less and less to show for it. People can’t keep up with the cost of living, no matter how hard they work.

The Institute works to change that, so the workers who built the strongest economy in the world can benefit from the wealth they created and power a thriving middle class.


Advisory Board

Sarah Benzing

Senior Advisor, Dignity of Work Institute

Dr. Carolina Ferrerosa Young

Vice President, the Wessel Group & Former Chief Economic Advisor to the Vice President of the United States

Joyce Frazier-Powdrill

J. Powdrill & Associates

Prentiss Haney

Senior Advisor, Democracy, Power, and Innovation Fund

Dr. Sue Helper

Carlton Professor of Economics, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University

Malik Hubbard

Partner at Inclusv

Bianca Ortiz Wertheim

Senior Advisor, Talent, Equis Research, LLC

John Ryan

Co-Founder, Policy Matters

Patrice Willoughby

Chief of Policy and Legislative Affairs, NAACP

Julie Su

Former Acting US Secretary of Labor & The Century Foundation Senior Fellow


Sue Klein

Executive Assistant

Katie Mulhall Quintela

Deputy Executive Director


Senator Sherrod Brown has spent his life fighting for the Dignity of Work. Over a lifetime of public service, including more than three decades serving Ohioans in Congress, Sherrod has been one of the country’s most consistent champions for American workers. He has been a leading advocate for the labor movement, and led efforts to fix our broken trade policies that enrich multinational corporations at the expense of workers, helping transform the national consensus on trade.

A lifelong Ohioan, Sherrod grew up in Mansfield, Ohio. He is the author of three books, and lives in Ohio with his wife Connie Schultz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and author. They are blessed with three daughters, a son, eight grandchildren, and their beloved rescue dogs, Franklin and Walter. 

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